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Dickens of a House Tour

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Dickens of a House Tour

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010

dickensThe Floyd Lions Club will host an open house fundraiser at “The Maples” on Friday, December 3, from 5 to 8 p.m., to coincide with the Chamber of Commerce Dickens of a Night.

The historic home, located at 106 Maple Street in Floyd, was constructed ca. 1888 and was originally the home of A.T. and Minnie Howard. Elizabeth “Betty” Page Schroeder purchased the home from the Howard family and recently completed a thorough restoration project, bringing the house back to its former glory. (more…)

Blue Mountain School Local Gifts Fundraiser

Friday, November 5th, 2010

Floyd’s Blue Mountain School views community as its central point of reference. We have our current in-school community; the community of families and friends of this in-school community; the school’s alumni community; and, of course, the local community of Floyd, of which we are a small, but integral, part. (more…)

Blog Post Ideas and Topics for Your Small Business Website

Monday, January 4th, 2010

man-using-laptopMany small businesses here in Floyd have business sites with blogs integrated into them. (more…)

Handing Off the Future: What Will Be Their Legacy?

Friday, August 28th, 2009

august09_0167beans800I lift two heavy buckets of green beans fresh from the garden up onto the kitchen sink. The knees of my old worn kakis are dark-wet from kneeling to pick while the long green pods still drip with morning’s brief shower. Soon I will hear the hiss and rattle of the canner, the seal of completion on our gardening committment, completed while the low sun still casts long shadows west across the pasture. (more…)

Front Porch View of Floyd County Spring

Thursday, November 27th, 2008


The coming of spring at our house is not measured by length of day or temperature. It is not the blooming of Coltsfoot (come far too early this year) or pinking of the buds at the tips of trees along Nameless Creek that signals spring to us. The first day of spring at my house is marked by the afternoon or evening of our first meal of the year on the front porch. (more…)

Familiarity Breeds Respect

Sunday, July 27th, 2008


Yes, I know the saying says otherwise. And I have known people, jobs and towns where, the more I learned about them…. well, we do sometimes come to despise that which has become too comfortable, too familiar. But maybe it is more often true in my experience that ‘familiarity breeds respect’, and this has entered my thoughts this week as I have pondered how answer a sincere question posed to me by a regular Fragments reader. (more…)

Playing Outside the Box

Thursday, May 15th, 2008

playingoutsidethebox1The building that had once been a sprawling grocery store was now a brightly-colored entertainment megaplex called “the Children’s Fun Palace”. The parking lot was filled with cars. None of us knew what to expect on this first visit, but it was obviously the place to be on a warm, April day in the Midwestern town where my daughter lives.

Better Without Batteries

Saturday, March 15th, 2008

betterwithoutbatteries1My friend Bobby and I were deposited one Alabama summer afternoon at his Aint Tink’s and told to “go play.” Though neither of us really knew how, we decided to fish in a small creek nearby. We figured it out as we went along and used what we could find close by–a crooked stick, a few feet of sewing thread and a safety pin scrounged from a bedroom dresser drawer. For bait, wild blackberries. Surely fish liked fruit. (more…)

Help for Women in the New River Valley

Friday, July 27th, 2007

The Women’s Resource Center of the New River Valley

Crisis Hotline 639-1123
Help when you want it. Hope when you need it. 24 hours a day. (more…)

A Hot FloydFest Date

Friday, July 27th, 2007

floydfestdateAt first I thought my husband, Joe, had sold his soul to the FloydFest devil.

Since he took the job of coordinating parking at the festival, I hadn’t seen him for days. For the past five years, he’s volunteered his time in exchange for a weekend pass, but this year, as the Floyd High soccer coach, he signed on to head up one of the hardest behind the scenes jobs. In exchange the FF promoters will make a substantial donation to the soccer program. (more…)

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